OID repository
OID Repository
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  Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree itu-t(0) | ccitt(0) | itu-r(0)   -- International Telecommunication...
  Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree iso(1)   -- International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
  | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree standard(0)   -- ISO or IEC International Standards (not jointly...
  | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree registration-authority(1)   -- Registration authorities
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree reserved(1)   -- Rec. ITU-T X.660 | ISO/IEC 9834-1
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree document-type(2)   -- Document types (a class of OSI documents,...
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree reserved(3)   -- Rec. ITU-T X.662 | ISO/IEC 9834-3
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree reserved(4)   -- ISO/IEC 9834-4
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree reserved(5)   -- ISO/IEC 9834-5
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree reserved(6)   -- Rec. ITU-T X.665 | ISO/IEC 9834-6
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree reserved(7)   -- Rec. ITU-T X.666 | ISO/IEC 9834-7
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree reserved(8)   -- Rec. ITU-T X.667 | ISO/IEC 9834-8
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree reserved(9)   -- Rec. ITU-T X.668 | ISO/IEC 9834-9
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree reserved(10)   -- ISO/IEC 9834-10
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree iso2108(2108)   -- ISO 2108 "Information and documentation --...
  | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree iso2375(2375)   -- ISO 2375:1985: Data processing -- Procedure...
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 16   -- ISO International Register "ISO-IR" 16: Particular ISO...
  | | | -Leaf of the OID tree 48   -- ISO International Register "ISO-IR" 48: Set of control...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree iso10036(10036)   -- ISO/IEC 10036 "Font information interchange...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree cbeff(19785)   -- ISO/IEC 19785 "Information technology --...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree iso24727(24727)   -- ISO/IEC 24727 "Identification cards --...
  | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree member-body(2)   -- ISO Member Bodies
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree au(36)   -- Australia
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree at(40)   -- Austria
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree be(56)   -- Belgium
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree ca(124)   -- Canada
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree cn(156)   -- People's Republic of China
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree cz(203)   -- Czech Republic
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dk(208)   -- Denmark
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree fi(246)   -- Finland
  | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree fr(250)   -- France
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree type-org(1)   -- Organizations
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree de(276)   -- Germany
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 280   -- Germany (in German, Bundesrepublik Deutschland)
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree gr(300)   -- Greece
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree hk(344)   -- Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ie(372)   -- Ireland
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree jp(392)   -- Japan
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree kz(398)   -- Kazakhstan
  | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree kr(410)   -- Korea (the Republic of)
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree ihekorea(19376)   -- Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise...
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree snubh(20006)   -- Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree nets(200002)   -- "NETS" (e-business infrastructure solution...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ubcare(200003) | isuubcare(200003) | isu-ubcare(200003)   -- ...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree kisa(200004)   -- Korean Internet & Security Agency (KISA)...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree kftc(200005)   -- Korea Financial Telecommunications and...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ezcaretech(200007)   -- ezCaretech Co., Ltd.
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree secui(200009)   -- SECUi.COM Korea Public-Key Infrastructure...
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree infinitt(200010)   -- Infinitt
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree ktnet(200012)   -- Korea Trade NETwork (KTNET)
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 200020   -- Advanced Communication Knowledge Co., Ltd.
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree bcqre(200027)   -- "BCQRE"
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree kiec(200032)   -- Korea Institute for Electronic Commerce...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree nsri(200046)   -- National Security Research Institute (NSRI)
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree gehckorea(200050)   -- General Electric (GE) Healthcare Korea
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree itskorea(200053)   -- Intelligent Transport Society (ITS) Korea
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree dreamsecurity(200057)   -- Dreamsecurity
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree unikey(200060)   -- Unikey.co.kr
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree cumedical(200070) | cu-medical(200070)   -- "CU" Medical...
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree vanilla(200071)   -- Vanilla Co., Ltd.
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 200077   -- Brightonix Imaging Inc.
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree nbp-ca(200081)   -- Naver Business Platform Corp.
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree payco(200090)   -- "NHN PAYCO Corp."
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree naver(200097)   -- Naver Corp.
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree vivarepublica(200098)   -- Viva Republica Inc.
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree jlk(200114)   -- JLK Inc.
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree vuno(200123) | vuno-med(200123) | vuno-care(200123)   -- "VUNO...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree endolfin(200126)   -- Endolfin Co., Ltd.
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 200127   -- E9pay
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree kakaobrain(200131)   -- Kakaobrain
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree tphealthcare(200135)   -- Technology Professional tphealthcare
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree heuron(200136)   -- Heuron
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree omnicns(200138)   -- Omnicns Inc.
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree timeservice(300100)   -- TimeService
  | | | -Leaf of the OID tree threedii(2010105)   -- 3D Inderstrial Imaging
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree md(498)   -- Moldova (Republic of)
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree ma(504)   -- Morocco
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree nl(528)   -- Netherlands (the)
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree ng(566)   -- Nigeria
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree no(578)   -- Norway
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pl(616)   -- Poland
  | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ru(643)   -- Russian Federation
  | | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reg1(1)   -- Communication organizations
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 1   -- JSC "Central Telegraph"
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 2   -- Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) Public Joint Stock Company...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 3   -- "Demos-Internet" Closed Joint Stock Company (CJSC)...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 4   -- "ATKOM" Closed Joint Stock Company (CJSC) (in...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 5   -- Closed Joint Stock Company (CJSC) Povolzh Certificate...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 6   -- "IT" Closed Joint Stock Company (CJSC) (in Russian,...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 7   -- Taxcom LLC (in Russian, ООО ТАКСКОМ)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 8   -- Closed Joint Stock Company (CJSC) Server-Center (in...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 9   -- North-West Telecom Open Joint Stock Company (OJSC)...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 10   -- Limited Liability Company Scientific-Production...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 11   -- Uralsvyazinform Open Joint Stock Company (OJSC) (in...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 12   -- Closed Joint Stock Company (CJSC) Kaluga Astral (in...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 13   -- Federal State Unitary Enterprise (FSUE) "NPP Gamma"...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 14   -- Open Joint Stock Company (OJSC) "MGTS" (in Russian,...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 15   -- Slavservice-Communication LLC (in Russian, ООО...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 16   -- "NOU UC" Mazon (in Russian, НОУ УЦ МЕЗОН)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 17   -- LLC Expobank (in Russian, ООО ЭКСПОБАНК)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 18   -- LLC Gvard-Inform (in Russian, ООО ГВАРД-ИНФОРМ)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 19   -- Company "TehnoKad" Moscow
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 20   -- Closed Joint Stock Company (CJSC) "RC" Practician...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 21   -- LLC Alta-Soft (in Russian, ООО Альта-Софт)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 22   -- LLC Aksikom (in Russian, ООО Аксиком)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 23   -- Open Joint Stock Company (OJSC) Megafon (in Russian,...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 24   -- Closed Joint Stock Company (CJSC) "CEK" (in Russian,...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 25   -- Autonomous Non-commercial Organization (ANO)...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 26   -- LLC Web Inform (in Russian, ООО ВЕБ ИНФОРМ)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 27   -- LLC "IC Choice" (in Russian, ООО ИЦ ВЫБОР)
  | | | | -Leaf of the OID tree 28   -- Joint Stock Company (JSC) "NTTS STEK" (in Russian,...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reg2(2) | rans(2)   -- Software vendors
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reg3(3) | ca(3)   -- Certification Authorities (CA)
  | | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reg4(4)   -- Banks
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 1   -- ZAO Raiffeisenbank OJSC Impexbank (until 23.11.2007)...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 2   -- Bank North Kazna Open Joint Stock Company (OJSC) (in...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 3   -- Open Joint Stock Company (OJSC) Alfa-Bank (in...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 4   -- BANK "REVIVAL" (PJSC) (in Russian, "" ())
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 5   -- MetComBank Public Joint Stock Company (PJSC) (in...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 6   -- Open Joint Stock Company (OJSC) Baltik Bank (in...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 7   -- "AMT" Bank LLC Slavinvestbank (until 16 June 2008)...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 8   -- LLC Expobank (in Russian, ООО ЭКСПОБАНК)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 9   -- AB "Region" (OJSC) (in Russian, "" ())
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 10   -- PJSC "Krayinvestbank" (in Russian, "")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 11   -- OJSC CB "KEDR" (in Russian, "")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 12   -- URALSIB OJSC (in Russian, "")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 13   -- "RGS" Bank Open Joint Stock Company (OJSC) (in...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 14   -- GAZPROMBANK (OPEN JOINT STOCK COMPANY) (in Russian,...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 15   -- Open Joint Stock Company (OJSC) SKB-Bank (in...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 16   -- Open Joint Stock Company (OJSC) MTS-Bank (in...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 17   -- JSC "RUSSELKHOZBANK" (in Russian, "")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 18   -- JSCB "INVESTBANK" (OJSC) (in Russian, "" ())
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 19   -- PJSC "Sovcombank" JSCB "ROSEVROBANK" (OJSC) (until...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 20   -- OTKRITIE BANK OJSC (in Russian, "")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 21   -- NGO CJSC "MIGOM" (in Russian, "")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 22   -- CJSC IFDK (in Russian, "")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 23   -- Open Joint Stock Company (OJSC) RFK-Bank (in...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 24   -- COMMUNICATION BANK (CJSC) (in Russian, ())
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 25   -- Closed Joint Stock Company (CJSC) Binbank Credit...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 26   -- NOVAHOVKAPITALBANK (CJSC) (in Russian, ())
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 27   -- "JSCB" Abolsut Bank Open Joint Stock Company (OJSC)...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 28   -- URALPRIVATBANK JSC CJSC Uralprivatbank (until...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 29   -- LLC CB NEVASTROYINVEST (in Russian, "")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 30   -- CB "ENERGOTRANSBANK" (OJSC) (in Russian, "" ())
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 31   -- LLC CB "INVESTSOTSBANK" (in Russian, "")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 32   -- CJSC PRC (in Russian, )
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 33   -- Tinkoff Bank Joint Stock Company (JSC) (in Russian,...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 34   -- RoseximBank Joint Stock Company (JSC) (in Russian,...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 35   -- AO BANK "SNGB" (in Russian, "")
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 36   -- Bank of Russia (in Russian, Банк России)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 37   -- LLC "CB" Kuban Credit (in Russian, ООО КБ Кубань...
  | | | | -Leaf of the OID tree 38   -- Sberbank of Russia Public Joint Stock Company (PJSC)...
  | | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reg5(5)   -- Government organizations
  | | | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 1   -- Federal executive authorities (in accordance with...
  | | | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 1   -- Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian...
  | | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 2   -- Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil...
  | | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 3   -- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian...
  | | | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 4   -- Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
  | | | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 5   -- Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (in...
  | | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 6   -- State Courier Service of the Russian Federation...
  | | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 7   -- Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian...
  | | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 8   -- Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation...
  | | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 9   -- Federal Service of the Russian Federation for...
  | | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 10   -- Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation...
  | | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 11   -- General Directorate of Special Programs of the...
  | | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 12   -- Office of the President of the Russian Federation...
  | | | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 13   -- Ministry of Health of Russia (in Russian, МИНЗДРАВ...
  | | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 14   -- Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
  | | | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 15   -- Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian...
  | | | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 16   -- Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the...
  | | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 17   -- Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian...
  | | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 18   -- Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian...
  | | | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 19   -- Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications...
  | | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 20   -- Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation
  | | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 21   -- Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation
  | | | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 22   -- Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation...
  | | | | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 23   -- Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (in...
  | | | | | | -Leaf of the OID tree 1   -- Treasury of Russia (in Russian, Казначейство...
  | | | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 24   -- Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian...
  | | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 25   -- Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation
  | | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 26   -- Federal Antimonopoly Service
  | | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 27   -- Federal Customs Service
  | | | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 28   -- Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation
  | | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 29   -- Federal Tariff Service
  | | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 30   -- Federal State Statistics Service (SM...
  | | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 31   -- Federal Service for Financial Markets
  | | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 32   -- Federal Space Agency
  | | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 33   -- Federal Agency for the Development of the State...
  | | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 34   -- Federal Migration Service (in Russian, Федеральная...
  | | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 35   -- Federal Agency for the Development of the State...
  | | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 36   -- Federal Service for Environmental, Technological...
  | | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 42   -- Federal Service for Financial Monitoring (in...
  | | | | | -Leaf of the OID tree 43   -- Rosoboronzak (in Russian, РОСОБОРОНЗАКАЗ)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 2   -- The apparatus of the State Duma of the Federal...
  | | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 3   -- License plate numbers according to region codes (in...
  | | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 4   -- Government organizations from 1 July 2015 (in...
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reg6(6)   -- Other organizations
  | | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reg7(7) | rosstandart(7)   -- Organizations in the field of...
  | | | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree tk26(1) | tc26(1)   -- Technical committee on...
  | | | |   Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree modules(0)   -- ASN.1 modules
  | | | |   Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree algorithms(1)   -- Algorithms
  | | | |   | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree sign(1)   -- Signature algorithms
  | | | |   | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree digest(2)   -- "id-tc26-digest"
  | | | |   | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree signwithdigest(3)   -- "id-tc26-signwithdigest"
  | | | |   | | |-Leaf of the OID tree gost3410-12-256(2) | gost3410-2012-256(2)   -- ...
  | | | |   | | -Leaf of the OID tree gost3410-12-512(3) | gost3410-2012-512(3)   -- ...
  | | | |   | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree hmac(4)   -- Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code...
  | | | |   | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 5   -- "id-tc26-cipher"
  | | | |   | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 6   -- "id-tc26-agreement"
  | | | |   Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree constants(2)   -- Constants
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reg8(8)   -- Education organizations
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree reg9(9)   -- Municipalities
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree fss(100)   -- Additional identifiers
  | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree sg(702)   -- Singapore
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree snraoid(0)   -- Singapore National Registration Authority for...
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree se(752)   -- Sweden
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ua(804)   -- Ukraine
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree gb(826)   -- United Kingdom
  | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree us(840)   -- United States of America
  | |   Unfolding the subtreePartial tree display  (57 OIDs)
  | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree identified-organization(3)   -- Organization identification...
  Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree joint-iso-itu-t(2) | joint-iso-ccitt(2)   -- Areas of joint work...
Separation line
To unfold (respectively, fold) a particular level of the tree, click on an icon like Unfolding the subtree (resp., Folding the subtree).
The beginning of each OID description is displayed on the left of each arc. For a display without descriptions, please click on Undetailed tree display.
The display is truncated for tree levels that contain more than 40 OIDs. For a full display, please click on one of the Partial tree display  icons to expand the tree (except if there are more than 300 child OIDs).
Disclaimer: The owner of this site does not warrant or assume any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information available on this page (for more information, please read the complete disclaimer).
All rights reserved © 2007-2024
Separation line
OID helper Webmaster Bullet 30 Dec 2024 Bullet Page top