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OID description

OID: (ASN.1 notation)
(dot notation)
(OID-IRI notation)
  "member-body" is a standardized identifier (this identifier may be used without its associated number in the ASN.1 notation of an OID).


ISO Member Bodies


Child OIDs are the numeric country code (assigned by the United Nations (UN) Statistics Division) of each country with, as identifier, the corresponding two-letter alpha-2 code element of ISO 3166-1 (see the correspondence table between country codes and OIDs. Each child OID identifies the ISO Member Body in each country. Arcs below the "country code" are allocated by the registration authority nominated by a country to manage its country OID.
Note: The existence of a country code in ISO 3166 does not necessarily imply that there is an ISO Member Body for that country, or that the ISO Member Body for that country administers the country OID arc.

When a country wants to allocate OIDs under this arc, the ISO Member Body of the country needs to send a letter to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 to inform about which organization in the country has been chosen as the Registration Authority for the country arc, so that the register of the superior OID can be updated (see What decision needs be taken if a country wants a national Registration Authority for OIDs?).

This arc was deprecated in favor of {joint-iso-itu-t

See the list of known country registration authorities for OIDs.

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All rights reserved © 2007-2025
Tree display Parent OID: iso(1) First child OID: au(36) First sibling OID: standard(0) Previous sibling OID: registration-authority(1) Next sibling OID: identified-organization(3) Last sibling OID: identified-organization(3)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 28 Jan 2025 Bullet Page top