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Action itemjoint-iso-itu-t(2)   Navigating the OID tree
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OID description

OID: (ASN.1 notation)
(dot notation)
(OID-IRI notation)
(In the OID-IRI notation, this OID is identified by long arc "Country" from the root of the OID tree.)
  This is a frozen OID (no more child OIDs can be added to the existing ones).


Joint (ITU-T and ISO/IEC) registration within a country


According to ITU-T X.660 | ISO/IEC 9834-1, clause A.5.5, "The primary integer values (and hence the integer-valued Unicode labels) assigned to arcs under this object identifier are the values of the numeric-3 codes of ISO 3166-1 [for a United Nations (UN) Member State], and non-integer Unicode labels and secondary identifiers are assigned that are the (two-letter) alpha-2 code elements of ISO 3166-1 [capitals for the Unicode labels, lowercase letters for the secondary identifier; see the correspondence table between country codes and OIDs]. ISO 3166-3 identifies historical numeric-3 codes that can still appear in old OIDs.
The nodes identified by these arcs may be used to assign subordinate arcs within a country. The administration of nodes identified by these arcs is not prescribed by Rec. ITU-T X.662 | ISO/IEC 9834-3, but it is recommended that a single national Registration Authority be determined by the joint decision of the country's ITU Member State and the ISO National Body (and, if necessary, the IEC National Committee for the country). The assignment of registration responsibilities within a country is a national decision."

More information can be found at Operation of a country Registration Authority.

See also the list of known country registration authorities for OIDs.

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Tree display Parent OID: joint-iso-itu-t(2) First child OID: af(4) First sibling OID: presentation(0) Previous sibling OID: datalink-layer(15) Next sibling OID: registration-procedures(17) Last sibling OID: example(999)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 29 Nov 2022 Bullet Page top