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Operation of a country Registration Authority (RA)
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  bulletOID handbook
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BulletFrequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

It is strongly recommended that any country wishing to establish a Registration Authority (RA) for allocation of OIDs within that country reach agreement between the administration of an ITU Member State for the country/state and the ISO Member Body for the country/state (if any) for a given organization to do the allocations within that country using the arc {joint-iso-itu-t(2) country(16)}. The organization may be an agency of the administration of the ITU Member State or part of the ISO Member Body, or may be an independent organization operating for both of them. In all three cases, the decision is taken by mutual agreement (see the check-list of actions to be taken).

It can happen that a country is already operating an RA under one or more of the arcs {itu-t(0) administration(2)}, {iso(1) member-body(2)} or {joint-iso-itu-t(2) country(16)}. This can be checked:

It is however recommended that preference be given to using arc {joint-iso-itu-t(2) country(16)}. The value assigned to a country OID is the numerical (m49) code of the UN Statistics Division (without leading zeros) together with the corresponding ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code.

The structure to allocate child OIDs underneath a country OID is a national decision but question 12 in the FAQ may be of help. The duties of a Registration Authority are explained in question 29 in the FAQ<./p>

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  Check-list of actions to be taken
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If a Registration Authority (RA) is to be established for a country, either at the initiative of the administration of the ITU Member State or of the ISO Member Body, the following steps need to be followed (as an application of Recommendation ITU-T X.660 | ISO/IEC 9834-1, clauses A.4.6 and A.5.5):

  1. Identify the organization(s) for the administration of the ITU Member State and the ISO Member Body, if any, and agree a contact point between them.
    Note: In the exceptional case that a country/state has only an administration of the ITU Member State or only an ISO Member Body, then that organization can and will operate alone, but the letter referred to below should still be sent.
  2. Determine to set up an RA for the country under arc {joint-iso-itu-t(2) country(16)} (preferably; otherwise under arc {iso(1) member-body(2)}), and agree and appoint the organization that will administer it (see "What are the duties of an RA?").
    Note: It is the responsibility of the administration of the ITU Member State and of the ISO Member Body to (regularly) check that the designated RA abides by the requirements of Rec. ITU-T X.660 | ISO/IEC 9834-1 and in particular that fees (if any) are charged on a cost-recovery basis (clause 11).
  3. Agree and (if appropriate) document the criteria that will be used for the first level of allocations within the country and any charging regime that is to operate (see "Are there guidelines or standards regarding subsequent arcs of a country arc?").
  4. Consider whether the top-level of allocations within the country are to be made public (e.g. placed in this OID repository) or not.
    Note: There is no requirement for the allocations to be public, but backed-up records should be kept, and it is recommended that preference be given to making public at least the top-level of allocations within the country .
  5. Establish how organizations within the country will become aware of the criteria for getting sub-allocations (see "Which information is necessary to apply for an OID?"), and how they are to contact the RA for the country.
  6. Consider whether it might be appropriate to develop a dedicated application or web-site to assist those organizations wishing to obtain allocations under the country RA.
  7. Produce a letter (preferably in English, otherwise in one of the 5 other official languages of the United Nations, using the suggested template), signed by official representatives (perhaps with a seal/stamp) of the administration of the ITU Member State and the ISO Member Body.
    Note: In the case of a country arc under {iso(1) member-body(2)} the decision is only taken by the ISO Member Body of the country.
  8. Forward this letter to either or both of ITU-T SG17 and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6.
    Note: In practice, this letter is forwarded to the ITU-T SG17 OID Project leader (who also happens to be the webmaster of this web site), and the Project leader will arrange for further progression.
  9. The country RA can then begin operation.
  10. The letter will in due course be recorded in the report of the relevant ITU-T SG17 plenary meeting, and in a Resolution of the relevant ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 meeting. A copy will also be made available in this OID repository.

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  Suggested template for notifying a Registration Authority for a country
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BulletExamples of agreements

This is the template usually used by the administration of the ITU Member State and the ISO Member Body to appoint the organization which will operate the RA for a country. This letter shall be sent (in English) to either or both of ITU-T SG17 and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6. In practice, this letter can be forwarded to the ITU-T SG17 OID Project leader who will arrange for further progression.

The signatories below, representing
                     [name of the administration representing the ITU Member State]
and representing
                     [name of the organization representing the ISO Member Body, if any]
for the country
                     [name of your country]
have jointly agreed that
                     [name and postal address of the organization that will be
                      the RA for the country as well as the name, email address and
                      phone number of a contact person for the registration of OIDs
                      within that organization
will operate the Registration Authority for object identifiers (OIDs) under OID
                     {joint-iso-itu-t(2) country(16) xx(nn)}
                     [replace xx and nn with the ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 and numeric codes]
in accordance with the provisions of Recommendation ITU-T X.660 | ISO/IEC 9834-1.

The signatories endeavor to regularly check that the Registration Authority abide by the requirements of Recommendation ITU-T X.660 | ISO/IEC 9834-1, and in particular that, if fees are charged, this is done on a cost-recovery basis.

It is agreed that this information will be recorded by ITU-T and ISO/IEC, and can be made publicly available, e.g., in the OID repository.

It is further agreed that ITU-T SG17 and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 will be informed of any change related to the Registration Authority.

Signed:  <add signatures and official stamps as necessary>

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  Known country Registration Authorities
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BulletAgreement template

You may also enter the English name of a country (or its ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code or numeric code) below:

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