OID repository
OID Repository
Display OID:
Action itemjoint-iso-itu-t(2) Action itemcountry(16) Action itemus(840) Action itemorganization(1) Action itemhl7(113883) Action itemaffiliate(2)   Navigating the OID tree
child OIDs: Child OID separator org-roots(3) Child OID separator non-hl7-code-systems(4) Child OID separator hl7-v3-code-systems(5) Child OID separator identification-systems(6) Child OID separator hl7-v3-templates(10) Child OID separator hl7-v3-value-sets(11) Child OID separator hl7-v2-code-systems(12) Child OID separator hl7-NL-code-systems(15) Child OID separator resolve(98) Child OID separator temp(99) Child OID separator
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OID description

OID: (ASN.1 notation)
(dot notation)
(OID-IRI notation)


Health Level 7 (HL7) Netherlands


Child OIDs identify vocabularies and identification schemes for HL7 messages used in the Healthcare sector in the Netherlands.

OIDs will be registered by HL7 Netherlands where:
  • There is a known existing OID (which may have been assigned by HL7 Netherlands as a direct result of the registration/assignment request, or may have been assigned by some other assigning authority).
  • There is no known existing OID within the HL7 (International) or HL7 Netherlands OID registry that identifies the same scheme as identified by the OID in the registration request.
  • There is a requirement for the OID to be used in HL7 artefacts within the Netherlands, i.e., the coding/identification scheme identified by the OID is specific to the Netherlands.
OID requests will be forwarded to HL7 (International) for registration should, in the opinion of HL7 Netherlands, the scheme be useful outside of the Netherlands.

All OID requests (for registration with HL7 Netherlands or HL7 International) should use the OID request form as found on the HL7 Netherlands website. OID registration requests may be directed to the secretariat of HL7 Netherlands if the requester is a member of HL7 in the Netherlands or a member of HL7 (International) residing in the Netherlands.

The process of registration/assignment of a scheme and the corresponding OID does not constitute an endorsement by HL7 Netherlands for the registered scheme. The process is therefore not subject to a vote of the HL7 Netherlands membership. The process of determining what schemes should be used in HL7 artefacts in the Netherlands is subject to a vote of the membership.

See also the Overview of OIDs used in European Health Level 7 (HL7) artefacts.

Current Registration Authority    


Rene Spronk

To contact the registration authority, replace "&" by "@" in the email address


Stichting HL7 Nederland
W. Barentszstraat 1
3902 De Veenendaal
Netherlands (the)


+31 318 548869

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Tree display Parent OID: affiliate(2) First child OID: org-roots(3) First sibling OID: 1 Previous sibling OID: 3 Next sibling OID: 5 Last sibling OID: 86
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 31 Aug 2023 Bullet Page top