OID repository
OID Repository
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OID description

OID: (ASN.1 notation)
(dot notation)
(OID-IRI notation)


Health Level 7 (HL7), Inc., an ANSI-accredited standards developing organization operating in the healthcare arena


HL7 Version 3 artefacts use OIDs to identify coding schemes and identifier namespaces.

The HL7 OID registry is structured as follows:
1: HL7 registered internal objects (other than published documents and organizational bodies);
2: HL7 organizational bodies and groups;
3: External groups that have been issued an HL7 OID root for their own use;
4: Registered externally maintained identifier systems and namespaces;
5: HL7 Internal Code Systems;
6: Registered external coding systems (with an HL7 issued OID);
7: HL7 published documents (standards, tutorial slides, implementation guides, databases, published Reference Information Model (RIM) graphic billboards, etc);
8: HL7 OID registered documentation products and artifacts;
9: HL7 Registered conformance profiles;
10: HL7 Registered Templates;
11: HL7 defined and registered Value Sets;
12: HL7 Version 2.x tables as code systems;
13: Externally authored and curated Value Sets, HL7 registered;
14: Internal use;
15: Small code sets externally defined (similar to v2.x tables);
19: HL7 Examples Root used for published examples; meaningless identifier, not to be used for any actual entities.

See also the not-authoritative overview of OIDs used in European HL7 artefacts maintained by Rene Spronk.

The process of registering an OID with HL7 is the addition to a central registry of an OID and its descriptive data. The OID doesn't have to be within the HL7 root OID or any specific other root or branch OID. Once a scheme has been registered, no other OIDs that identify the same scheme can be registered.

First Registration Authority    



On behalf of Health Level Seven, Inc.
Klein Consulting, Inc.
47 Old Saddle Rd.
Ridge, New York 11961
United States of America


+1 631 924 6922 
Fax: +1 631 924 8718
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Tree display Parent OID: organization(1) First child OID: internalHL7objects(1) First sibling OID: gov(101) Previous sibling OID: identrust(113839) Next sibling OID: 113894 Last sibling OID: 114572
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 11 Feb 2022 Bullet Page top