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Action itemitu-t(0) Action itemidentified-organization(4) Action itemetsi(0) Action itemusageMeteringInformationManagement(819) Action iteminformationModel(0) Action itemaction(9)


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createFile ACTION
createFileBehaviour BEHAVIOUR
DEFINED AS "Receipt of this action causes the creation of a file containing the concatenated
content of all the records currently contained in the log.
The records shall be deleted from the log upon successful creation of the file.
As action input a file name can be given by the OS. If no file name is entered, the NE will generate the file
The action response contains the name of the created file." ;;
WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX ASN1UsageMeteringModule. FileName;
WITH REPLY SYNTAX ASN1UsageMeteringModule.CreatedFile;


GDMO object for network management

See classes of OIDs


Automatically extracted from Interim European Telecommunication Standard (I-ETS) 300 819: Functional Specification of usage metering information management on the OS/NE interface

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