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OID Repository
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Action itemitu-t(0) Action itemidentified-organization(4)   Navigating the OID tree
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OID: (ASN.1 notation)
(dot notation)
(OID-IRI notation)


European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)


The rules for assigning object identifiers are defined in EG 200 351 (see also ASN.1 OIDs Tree):
1. An identifier in the common domain (arcs 0 to 126) is available for use only under the following rule: that the domain consists of definitions used in two or more ETSI deliverables. Names and values shall be allocated and registered by the ETSI Secretariat. Since only 126 values are available, domains should be used only if the commonalty of such a domain justifies this. The granting of a domain value shall be upon the recommendation of the relevant Technical Body.
NOTE: The rules for using the common domain are interim. These rules need to be rediscussed and agreed after the first 50 values have been allocated. New allocation rules need also to provide a justification that can be used in the formulation of subsequent rules.

2. The ETSI-deliverable-based domain (arcs 128 upwards) is the most commonly used form of OIDs in ETSI.
The OID tree value for a given ETSI deliverable is derived by deleting the first digit of its document number (and omitting leading zeros [and the part number]).
EXAMPLE 1: The allocated value for ETS 300 182 is "0 4 0 182".
EXAMPLE 2: The allocated value for TS 201 123 and ES 201 123 is "0 4 0 1123". The assignment of document numbers is independent of ETSI deliverable type. Technically, TS 101 123 and ES 201 123 are just two different versions of the same document.

See the expandable list of OIDs. To get the formal definition of OIDs, see the document cited on the right. The tree is not necessarily complete; further extensions may be included in the referenced document.

ETSI also owns OID {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) etsi(13019)} and {joint-iso-itu-t(2) upu(40) identified-organization(3) etsi(5)}.

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Current Registration Authority    



Note: John M. Meredith is responsible for OIDs within 3GPP and within ETSI insofar as they are relevant to 3GPP.

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