OID Repository
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Action itemitu-t(0) Action itemidentified-organization(4) Action itemetsi(0) Action itemusageMeteringInformationManagement(819) Action iteminformationModel(0) Action itemattribute(7)


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maxTimeInterval ATTRIBUTE
WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1UsageMeteringModule.MaxTimeInterval;
maxTimeIntervalBehaviour BEHAVIOUR
DEFINED AS "The value of this attribute specifies the maximum time interval that may elapse
from receipt of the first record currently in the log to the time at which a blockRecordNotification
shall be emitted. This value, therefore, specifies the maximum latency with which near-real-time
UMR data will be transmitted to the upstream system. If the value "0" is entered, it means that this
output trigger is not used.";


Automatically extracted from Interim European Telecommunication Standard (I-ETS) 300 819: Functional Specification of usage metering information management on the OS/NE interface

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Parent OID: attribute(7) First sibling OID: accessDelivery(2) Previous sibling OID: maxBlockSize(21) Next sibling OID: networkProviderId(23) Last sibling OID: uUInfoCounters(51) Separation line
Chatbot helper Webmaster Bullet 14 Dec 2015 Bullet Page top