OID Repository
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Action itemitu-t(0) Action itemidentified-organization(4) Action itemetsi(0) Action itemusageMeteringInformationManagement(819) Action iteminformationModel(0) Action itemattribute(7)


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iNSpecificInformation ATTRIBUTE
WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1UsageMeteringModule.INSpecificInformation;
iNSpecificInformationBehaviour BEHAVIOUR
DEFINED AS "This attribute contains information about the user of the IN service. The user
information is identified by one or more of the following.
This element has only relevance when UPT calls are made. It is a network requirement that the
provided international personal User Identity is unique and verified by the network
This information element shall indicate one of the participants, i.e. calling, called, redirecting,
redirection or original called party, etc. to be charged for the usage.
This information element shall contain the charged Directory Number (DN) in the case where the
number can not be indicated by the charged participant element.
This information element shall contain the percentage to be billed in the case where normal billing
rules are not followed.
This information element shall contain the code to which accounting is to be referred and input by
the subscriber. Examples of use are authorization code, PIN, bank account, VPN code or credit
card number to be used for billing.";


Automatically extracted from Interim European Telecommunication Standard (I-ETS) 300 819: Functional Specification of usage metering information management on the OS/NE interface

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Parent OID: attribute(7) First sibling OID: accessDelivery(2) Previous sibling OID: immediateNotification(18) Next sibling OID: iNServiceInformationList(20) Last sibling OID: uUInfoCounters(51) Separation line
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