(ASN.1 notation) |
(dot notation) |
(OID-IRI notation) |
This is a frozen OID (no more child OIDs can be added to the existing ones).
ISO/IEC and/or ITU-T activities on registration procedures
The registration requirements specified in Rec. ITU-T X.666 (11/95) | ISO/IEC 9834-7:1995 corresponded to child OIDs of the form {joint-iso-itu-t(2) registration-procedures(17) international-org-name-type(n)} . An OID for a particular registered international organization name is of the form joint-iso-itu-t(2) registration-procedures(17) international-org-name-type(n) organization-name(m)} .
Rec. ITU-T X.666 (11/95) | ISO/IEC 9834-7:1995 was superseded by a more recent version which does not include the following text any more: "To register a new type of name, a new arc under the {joint-iso-itu-t(2) registration-procedures(17)} arc shall be formed. To form such an arc, this Recommendation shall be amended to include that arc, and a new annex will be added to this Recommendation if needed, for the registration procedures of such a type of a name. The addition of a new arc below the {joint-iso-itu-t(2) registration-procedures(17)} arc will be agreed jointly by ISO/IEC and the ITU." Consequently, this OID is not maintained any more.
At a meeting in Sep 2004, there was a concern (expressed during the "AAP ballot" of Rec. ITU-T X.660 (2004) | ISO/IEC 9834-1) over the allocation of OIDs under {joint-iso-itu-t(2) registration-procedures(17)} . After investigation, it was recognized that this OID had been allocated jointly to Brian Wood and C.E. Young (pre-1994, probably mid-1980s). This OID appears to being used for the allocation of OIDs to identify modules appearing within the Rec. ITU-T X.660 series, and also to identify Directory attributes within that series (and possibly for other OIDs appearing within that series). It is believed that the only child OIDs that have been allocated are used within the Rec. X.660 series | ISO/IEC 9834 multi-part standard. It is (fairly) clear that the registration authority for this OID was intended to be Rec. ITU-T X.666 | ISO/IEC 9834-7.
Current Registration Authority
ITU-T | ISO/IEC ASN.1 group (as Editor of Rec. ITU-T X.666 | ISO/IEC 9834-7)
First Registration Authority
B.M. Wood & C.E. Young
ITU-T Q.23/7 & ISO/IEC JTC1 project
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