OID Repository
OID Repository
Display OID:

Action itemiso(1) Action itemidentified-organization(3) Action itemdod(6) Action iteminternet(1) Action itemprivate(4) Action itementerprise(1) Action item9 Action itemotherEnterprises(6) Action itemciscoSB(1)


child OIDs: Child OID separator 371 Child OID separator 571 Child OID separator

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The size of each slice represents the number of grandchild OIDs (displayed when hovering over each slice).
Clicking on a slice focuses on the corresponding child OID.
Colors are generated randomly each time this page is displayed (except for the first slice).
A pie chart based on the number of all descendants of each child OID is also available.
Navigating the OID tree
Separation line
Separation line
Warning Warning:
Note: A question mark '?' follows an orphan OID, i.e. an OID arc that is not yet described in the OID repository.
Separation line

Tree display Parent OID: ciscoSB(1) First child OID: 371 First sibling OID: 32 Previous sibling OID: 32 Next sibling OID: 80 Last sibling OID: nas004(103) Separation line
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