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mscTrkUnAckedFramerMajorLinkUtilAlarmThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100)
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"This attribute provides the threshold value which defines when a
major alarm would be issued, denoting a sustained total average
link utilization. The total average link utilization is calculated based
on the number of received bytes. The Set alarm is issued after 3
minutes of utilization greater than the given threshold. The
corresponding Clear alarm is issued after a subsequent 3 minutes of
utilization less than or equal to the given threshold.
The value 100% is used to disable an individual threshold. For
values other than 100%, a semantic check ensures that the major
alarm threshold is greater than the minor threshold and less than the
critical threshold."
DEFVAL { 85 }


MIB object for network management

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Parent OID: mscTrkUnAckedFramerUtilThresholdEntry(1) First sibling OID: mscTrkUnAckedFramerMinorLinkUtilAlarmThreshold(1) Previous sibling OID: mscTrkUnAckedFramerMinorLinkUtilAlarmThreshold(1) Next sibling OID: mscTrkUnAckedFramerCriticalLinkUtilAlarmThreshold(3) Last sibling OID: mscTrkUnAckedFramerLinkUtilAlarmStatus(4) Separation line
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