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hwPortMeltChipStateList OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX BITS {port0(0), port1(1), port2(2), port3(3), port4(4), port5(5), port6(6), port7(7), port8(8), port9(9), port10(10), port11(11), port12(12), port13(13), port14(14), port15(15), port16(16), port17(17), port18(18), port19(19), port20(20), port21(21), port22(22), port23(23), port24(24), port25(25), port26(26), port27(27), port28(28), port29(29), port30(30), port31(31), port32(32), port33(33), port34(34), port35(35), port36(36), port37(37), port38(38), port39(39), port40(40), port41(41), port42(42), port43(43), port44(44), port45(45), port46(46), port47(47), port48(48), port49(49), port50(50), port51(51), port52(52), port53(53), port54(54), port55(55), port56(56), port57(57), port58(58), port59(59), port60(60), port61(61), port62(62), port63(63)}
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Lists the status of the MELT chip for xDSL port.
The result is analyzed as follow: If a bit in the bit string is set to 1, the MELT chip of a port is faulty.
For example, if the MELT chip of port 8 is faulty, the eighth character of the string is set to 1,
and 0000 0000 1000 0000, namely, # 0x00 0x80 is issued.
Note that the value of the bit type starts from 0."


MIB object for network management

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Parent OID: hwLoopLineTestMeltChipStateEntry(1) First sibling OID: hwBoardMeltChipStateCheckConfig(1) Previous sibling OID: hwBoardMeltChipStateCheckResult(2) Next sibling OID: hwBoardMeltChipStateCheckDCVolUpperLimit(4) Last sibling OID: hwBoardMeltChipStateCheckDCVolLowerLimit(5) Separation line
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