hpnicfCBQoSMatchCpProtoValue OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Value of Cp Protocol, SIZE (1..23). Up to 8 values can be input.
for example: 1#2#3#4#5 means the match rule is
'if-match control-plane protocol arp arp-snooping
bgp bgp4+ bpdu-tunnel';
arp: 1
arp-snooping: 2
bgp: 3
bgp4+: 4
bpdu-tunnel: 5
cdp: 6
cfd: 7
dhcp: 8
dhcp-snooping: 9
dhcp6: 10
dldp: 11
dot1x: 12
gmrp: 13
gvrp: 14
http: 15
https: 16
icmp: 17
icmp6: 18
igmp: 19
igmp-snooping: 20
irdp: 21
isis: 22
lacp: 23
ldp: 24
ldp6: 25
lldp: 26
mld: 27
msdp: 28
ntp: 29
oam: 30
ospf-multicast: 31
ospf-unicast: 32
ospf3-multicast: 33
ospf3-unicast: 34
pagp: 35
pim-multicast: 36
pim-unicast: 37
pim6-multicast: 38
pim6-unicast: 39
portal: 40
pppoe-negotiation: 41
pvst: 42
radius: 43
rip: 44
ripng: 45
rrpp: 46
rsvp: 47
smart-link: 48
snmp: 49
stp: 50
tacas: 51
udld: 52
udp-helper: 53
vrrp: 54
vrrp6: 55
vtp: 56
ip-option: 57
ipv6-option: 58
ssh: 59
telnet: 60"