OID Repository
Display OID:
Submit OID descriptions as XML files
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The form below provides for the submission of XML files containing OID descriptions conforming to the XML schema of the OID repository.

  • if the OID does not yet exist in the OID repository but its parent OID is described in the Repository, it is added but the description will not be visible until it is validated by the Repository administrator (a notification will be sent to you by email once this is done);
  • if the parent OID of the OID to be added does not yet exist in the OID repository, the OID is said to be "orphan," it will be added to the OID repository (after validation by the Repository administrator) but will not be accessible for display to users who walk down the OID tree;
  • If the description corresponds to an OID which is already described in the OID repository, it is ignored.

Note 1: Daniel Marschall has developed an Application Programming Interface (API) in PHP which can help developers in creating such XML files.
Note 2: If you have a text file gathering objects in a Management Information Base (MIB), you can send it to the OID repository administrator who has a tool to automatically extract OIDs from such files. Please make sure that the top OID of your MIB is defined in the file.


Bullet XML schema for OID descriptions
Bullet XML schema for the allowed subset of XHTML

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File name (a single XML file containing all the OID descriptions, or a zipped archive of XML files):

 -test Check the validity of your file, and list which OIDs would be created or modified (without updating the OID repository and informing the OID repository administrator). It is recommended to keep this option checked until there is no remaining error in your XML document.
 -ignoreNL Ignore all newline characters used in text descriptions between XML tags. By default, newline characters are turned into <br> elements when displayed in HTML. When this box is checked, newline characters are replaced with a whitespace.
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The example below is an XML document that conforms to our XML schema and contains the description of one OID (namely, {joint-iso-itu-t(2) example(999) xml-submission(777)}).

  • There can be more than one <oid> block per <oid-database> but only one <oid-database> per XML file.
  • A father OID does not need to be described in the file prior to its child OIDs because the tool will sort the blocks before adding information to the OID repository.
  • The <submitter> part contains information about you. This information will not be displayed when people will query the OID repository. It is at that email address that you will receive the result of your XML submission. That email address will also be used to keep you informed if the OID descriptions you submitted are updated in the future.
  • Note that a subset of XHTML is allowed inside plain text for the <description>, <information> and <address> elements.
  • HTML entity references (such as "&eacute;") are not supported by default, so please use decimal codes (such as "&#233;") or include the needed XHTML entity references in a <!DOCTYPE...> block at the beginning of your XML document as follows:
    <!DOCTYPE oid-database[
      <!ENTITY eacute "&#233;"> <!-- latin small letter e with acute -->
      <!-- please add XHTML entity references as needed -->]>
  • More detail about what is allowed for each XML tag is given as <documentation> tags in the XML schema. Please have a look at it.

    <asn1-notation>{joint-iso-itu-t(2) example(999)
    <description>Example of a description conforming to the
       <a href="https://oid-base.com/oid.xsd">XML Schema of the OID repository</a>
    <information>More information can be found in
       <a href="https://itu.int/ITU-T/X.660">Rec. ITU-T X.660</a>.
       <address>Street Name

Once added to the OID repository, the above description will be displayed as shown on the display example.

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