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actionFilterList ATTRIBUTE
WITHATTRIBUTE SYNTAX AccessControl-ASN1Module.ActionFilterList;
BEHAVIOUR actionFilterlistBehaviour BEHAVIOUR
DEFINED AS !This set-valued attribute identifies actions and, optionally, constraints upon their argument values by means of a CMIS filter.
For any given CMIS filter of the set, every CMIS filter item shall identify the same attribute. Attempts to violate this constraint shall result in the invalid access control filter specific error with error identifier of heterogenousIds.
No attribute shall be associated with more than one CMIS filter. Attempts to violate this constraint shall result in the invalid access control filter specific error with error identifier of duplicateIds.
All values of the attribute identifier fields of CMIS filter items shall identify management information that is valid for the given specialization of this attribute. Any violation shall result in the invalid access control filter specific error with the error identifier of invalid identifier.!;;
PARAMETERS invalidAccessControlFilter;


Automatically extracted from Recommendation ITU-T X.741 | ISO/IEC 10164-9.

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Parent OID: attribute(7) First sibling OID: accessControlList(1) Previous sibling OID: accessControlObjectName(3) Next sibling OID: attributeFilterList(5) Last sibling OID: validAccessAttempts(29) Separation line
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