(In the OID-IRI notation, this OID is identified by long arc "Tag-Based" from the root of the OID tree.)
Tag-based identifications (identification mechanisms for which identifiers are stored in a memory-limited area of a tag like an RFID, 1D or 2D barcode, etc.)
Identification schemes can be registered at Korean Internet & Security Agency (KISA) dedicated web page. Note: KISA performs the administrative role of the Registration Authority while the technical role is performed by the ITU-T Rapporteur and ISO/IEC Convenor in charge of the maintenance of that standard. The technical and administrative roles are defined in Rec. ITU-T X.660 | ISO/IEC 9834-1.
Child OIDs are limited to 127 so that the OID can encode in 2 octets.
The procedures for the Registration Authority (RA) and the criteria for acceptance of a identification scheme are specified in Rec. ITU-T X.668 | ISO/IEC 9834-9 "Procedures for the operation of OSI Registration Authorities: Registration of object identifier arcs for applications and services using tag-based identification."
Clause 7 defines the criteria of acceptance for the registration of an identification scheme:
7.1 An application shall be accepted if, in the technical judgment of the [ITU-T Rapporteur and ISO/IEC Convenor in charge of the maintenance of Rec. ITU-T X.668 | ISO/IEC 9834-9], the allocation requested is to be used for an identification scheme supporting one or more ID-based applications or services.
7.2 It is a requirement that the identification scheme be identified in a publicly available specification produced by a standardization body recognized by ITU-T, ISO or IEC, or by an internationally recognized consortium.
Note: This excludes specifications produced by a single company or organization.
7.3 The applications shall identify the timescale within which the relevant identification scheme is to be applied within applications or services. The application shall be rejected if the timescale exceeds 12 months, and can be voided if it is not in use within that time-scale.
7.4 The applications or services for which the allocation is requested shall be applications or services which require interchange between multiple vendors in an open environment.
7.5 An application for registration, containing the information [specified below] shall be sent to the organization providing the administrative role for the RA. The application shall be submitted by the standardization body (recognized by ITU-T, ISO or IEC), or by the internationally recognized consortium (see 7.2).
The application shall include at least the following information:
a) name of organization submitting the application;
b) name, postal mail address, e-mail address, and optionally telephone and fax numbers for the contact point within the requesting organization;
c) full identification of the person submitting the application (including their role in the organization);
d) a reference to an openly accessible specification (see 7.2) of the identification scheme for the ID-based application or service for which an arc is being requested; and
e) (optionally) desired secondary identifier(s) [i.e., an alphanumeric word beginning with a lowercase letter].
It is not expected that subsequent (grand-child) arcs will be created under the OIDs assigned under this arc, as this would be evidence that there is no requirement for the short OID that is provided by Rec. ITU-T X.668 | ISO/IEC 9834-9.
This OID arc was created by a Resolution of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 and of ITU-T SG 17 at their joint April 2008 meeting. The nomination of KISA (previously known as "NIDA") as the Registration Authority is contained in document ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 N14004 which was approved as ISO/IEC JTC 1 Resolution 51. It was further approved by ISO Technical Management Board (TMB) Resolution 80/2010 and IEC Standardization Management Board (SMB) Decision 137/18.
Note: The term "NID" was originally used as an abbreviation for "Network aspects of identification systems (including RFID)" but is now more generally used for identification-based applications and services.
Current Registration Authority
12F Daedong Building
79-3 Garak-dong
Seoul, 138-950
Republic of Korea
First Registration Authority
National Internet Development Agency of Korea (NIDA)
3F, 398, Seochoro
Seoul, 137-857
Republic of Korea