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Action itemjoint-iso-itu-t(2) Action itemassociation-control(2)   Navigating the OID tree
[other identifier: ase-id]

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OID description

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Application services


This module is defined in Recommendation ITU-T X.227 | ISO/IEC 8650-1 "Connection-oriented protocol for the Association Control Service Element: Protocol specification".

Note that the body of Rec. ITU-T X.227 defines OID {joint-iso-itu-t association-control(2) as-id(3) acse-ase(1) version(1)} whereas its Annex B defines OID {joint-iso-itu-t association-control(2) authentication-mechanism(3) password-1(1)}.
On 22 Jan 2003, Peter Furniss wrote: yes, the authentication mechanism OID is wrong (since it came second historically, it's Annex B that is at fault). However, the fact that no-one has ever raised this problems makes it clear that either no-one has implemented Annex B (possible), or if they have, they have not found any problems in colliding with the OID for the Application Service Element (ASE). If anyone is using these OIDs in practice, it would be a considerable dis-service, of no benefit to anyone, to change the OIDs.

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Tree display Parent OID: association-control(2) First child OID: acse-ase(1) First sibling OID: modules(0) Previous sibling OID: module(2)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 26 Oct 2017 Bullet Page top