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manualAddressDroppedFromArea NOTIFICATION
BEHAVIOUR manualAddressDroppedFromArea-B BEHAVIOUR
DEFINED AS The Manual Address Dropped From Area Notification is generated when one of the manualAreaAddresses (specified on this system) is ignored when computing partitionAreaAddresses or areaAddresses because there are more than MaximumAreaAddresses distinct Area Addresses. The areaAddress argument is set to the ignored Area Address. It is generated once for each Area Address in manualAreaAddresses which is dropped. It is not logged again for that Area Address until after it has been reinstated into areaAddresses (i.e. it is only the action of dropping the Area Address and not the state of being dropped, which causes the event to be generated). The occurance of this event is counted by the manualAddressDroppedFromAreas counter.;;


GDMO object for network management

See classes of OIDs


Automatically extracted from IETF RFC 1142.

Note: According to IETF RFC 7142, RFC 1142 was a republication of ISO Draft Proposal (DP) 10589 but differed in a considerable number of significant respects from the final standardized version published as ISO/IEC 10589:2002.

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