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ciscoCasIfCapabilityV12R04TPC3xxx AGENT-CAPABILITIES
PRODUCT-RELEASE "CISCO IOS 12.4T for Integrate Service
Router (ISR) c2xxx and c3xxx platforms."
STATUS current
"CISCO-CAS-IF-MIB Capabilities"
ccasIfDS1Group, ccasEMGroupRev2,
ccasCustomABCDGroup, ccasChannelInfoGroup
VARIATION ccasGrpCfgServiceType
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "create/write access is not implemented."
VARIATION ccasGrpCfgType
emWinkStart(1), emWinkStartFgd(2),emImmedStart(3),
fxsLoopStart(5), fxsGroundStart(6),
sasLoopStart(7), sasGroundStart(8),
r2Analog(9), r2Digital(10), r2Pulse(11),p7(12),
fxoLoopStart(13), fxoGroundStart(14),
extsig(26), emLmr(27)
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "create/write access is not implemented. Only a
limited set of enumerated values is supported"
VARIATION ccasGrpCfgDs0Channels
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "create/write access is not implemented"
VARIATION ccasGrpCfgRowStatus
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "create/write access is not implemented"
VARIATION ccasGrpEMCfgDialType
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "write access is not implemented"
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "write access is not implemented"
VARIATION ccasGrpEMTmClearWaitDuration
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION "this object is not supported"
VARIATION ccasGrpEMTmMaxWinkWaitDuration
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "write access is not supported"
VARIATION ccasGrpEMTmMaxWinkDuration
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "write access is not supported"
VARIATION ccasGrpEMTmDelayStart
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION "this object is not supported"
VARIATION ccasGrpEMTmMaxDelayDuration
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION "this object is not supported"
VARIATION ccasGrpEMTmMinDelayPulseWidth
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION "this object is not supported"
VARIATION ccasGrpEMTmDigitDuration
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "write access is not supported"
VARIATION ccasGrpEMTmInterDigitDuration
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "write access is not supported"
VARIATION ccasGrpEMTmPulseRate
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION "this object is not supported"
VARIATION ccasGrpEMTmPulseInterDigitDuration
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION "this object is not supported"
VARIATION ccasGrpLineCfgNumberRings
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "write access is not supported"
VARIATION ccasGrpLineCfgSupDisconnect
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "write access is not supported"
VARIATION ccasGrpLineCfgDialType
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "write access is not supported"
VARIATION ccasGrpLineTmDigitDuration
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "write access is not supported"
VARIATION ccasGrpLineTmInterDigitDuration
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "write access is not supported"
VARIATION ccasGrpLineTmPulseRate
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION "this object is not supported"
VARIATION ccasGrpLineTmPulseInterDigitDuration
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION "this object is not supported"
VARIATION ccasGrpABCDCfgInvertBits
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "write access is not supported"
VARIATION ccasGrpABCDCfgUnusedBits
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "write access is not supported"
VARIATION ccasChannelCfgBusyOut
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "write access is not supported"
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "write access is not supported"
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "write access is not supported"

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All rights reserved © 2007-2024
Parent OID: ciscoCasIfCapability(122) First sibling OID: ciscoCasIfCapabilityV5R000(1) Previous sibling OID: ciscoCasIfCapabilityV5R015(2)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 26 Mar 2020 Bullet Page top