upgradeStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {idle(0), match(1), downloading(2), successAndReboot(3), failed(4), failedWhtiOntDown(5), notFoundTheMatchImage(6), noPlannedVer(7), timeout(8), ontNotReady(9), swdlQueueFull(10), downloading(11), inWaitingQueue(12), mismatch(13), changeToImage1(14), changeToImage2(15), noImage(16), alreadySuccess(17), alreadyChangeToImage1(18), alreadyChangeToImage2(19)} MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The upgrade status of this ONU.
0. The upgrade status is idle.
1. The planned version of the ont and the action version of the ONT match.
2. The ONT start to download the FW.
3. The ONT upgraded the FW successes and reboot.
4. The ONT upgraded the FW failed.
5. The ONT upgraded the FW failed becaus ONT down.
6. Not found the matching image with the planned version.
7. The ONT is not set the planned version.
8. The ONT upgraded the FW failed because timeout.
9. The ONT status is not ready.
10. The FW upgrade waiting queue is full.
11. The ONT is downloading.
12. The ONT is already in waiting queue.
13. The ONT action version and the planned version mismatch.
14. Change to Image(1) and reboot.
15. Change to Image(2) and reboot.
16. No ONT image on the OLT."