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sysMgmtCfgCommit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"This parameter is used to apply the changed configurations to the device.
Always this should be SET with value '1'. The values available on GET or
the read values are defined as follows:
200 : Commit Successful
201 : Commit Successful and reboot the device.

Please check the object sysMgmtCfgErrorMsg for Commit status and other
information on errors.

P.S: Usual commit operation needs atleast 3 seconds and changes in wireless
parameters needs upto 60 seconds time interval before sending the response."

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All rights reserved © 2007-2024
Parent OID: sysMgmt(4) First sibling OID: sysMgmtCfgChangeCnt(1) Previous sibling OID: sysMgmtCfgChangeCnt(1) Next sibling OID: sysMgmtCfgRestore(3) Last sibling OID: sysMgmtLoadTextConfig(7)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 18 Nov 2020 Bullet Page top