aluExtPortEtherBnEgressRateInUse OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
UNITS "kilo-bits per second"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"When aluExtPortEtherBnAllowed is 'true', the value of aluExtPortEtherBnEgressRateInUse indicates the
egress rate currently being enforced.
aluExtPortEtherBnEgressRateInUse is set to the default value of '-1' to indicate tmnxPortEtherEgressRate
is currently enforced.
When the difference between the sysUpTime of a received Y.1731 ETH-BNM and the value of
aluExtPortEtherBnLastRateChangeTime is greater than the configured aluExtPortEtherBnHoldTime, then
aluExtPortEtherBnEgressRateInUse is modified to use the current rate in the Y.1731 ETH-BNM frame."