tmnxL2tpPeerProtStatsInstance OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..69 | 4294967294 | 4294967295)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The value of the object tmnxL2tpPeerProtStatsInstance indicates the
instance identifier of the statistics contained in this conceptual
For example: if the value of the object tmnxL2tpPeerProtStatsType is
equal to 'outgoingMsgType', the value of tmnxL2tpPeerProtStatsInstance
is a message identifier, e.g. instance '2' refers to '(SCCRP)
Start-Control-Connection-Reply', and the value of
tmnxL2tpPeerProtStatsVal indicates the number of SCCRP messages
transmitted for this tunnel.
The value of this object is 4294967294 for Zero-Length Body (ZLB)
The value of this object is 4294967295 for incoming protocol messages
with unknown values for message ID, return code or result code."