OID Repository
OID Repository
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Action itemiso(1) Action itemidentified-organization(3) Action itemdod(6) Action iteminternet(1) Action itemprivate(4) Action itementerprise(1) Action item6527 Action itemtimetraProducts(3) Action itemtmnxSRMIB(1) Action itemtmnxSRObjs(2) Action itemtmnxL2tp(60) Action itemtmnxL2tpObjs(1) Action itemtmnxL2tpTunnelObjs(3) Action itemtmnxL2tpTuCfgObjs(1) Action itemtmnxL2tpTuMlpppTable(4) Action itemtmnxL2tpTuMlpppEntry(1)


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tmnxL2tpTuMlpppInterleave OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TmnxAlwaysNeverOrDefault
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The value of tmnxL2tpTuMlpppInterleave specifies if this system
applies Link Fragmentation and Interleaving to the traffic sent from
the LNS to the LAC.
If the value of this object is 'always', downstream traffic is
fragmented and interleaved, meaning that (non-fragmented) realtime
traffic is interleaved with fragments of non-realtime traffic.
If the value of this object is 'never', downstream traffic is only
fragmented but not reordered according to priority.
The value 'default' specifies that the actual value must be used of
the object tmnxL2tpTgMlpppInterleave.
The value of this object is only relevant for tunnels where this
system performs the LNS role."
DEFVAL {default}


MIB object for network management

See classes of OIDs
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All rights reserved © 2007-2025
Parent OID: tmnxL2tpTuMlpppEntry(1) First sibling OID: tmnxL2tpTuMlpppLastMgmtChange(1) Previous sibling OID: tmnxL2tpTuMlpppMaxLinks(3) Next sibling OID: tmnxL2tpTuMlpppMaxFragDelay(5) Last sibling OID: tmnxL2tpTuMlpppEpMacAddress(10) Separation line
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