tmnxL2tpV3PrivTcpMssAdjust OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 512..9000)
UNITS "octets"
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The value of tmnxL2tpV3PrivTcpMssAdjust specifies the Maximum Segment
Size (MSS) for the TCP traffic in a L2TP tunnel of this virtual router
which is sent from the private network to the public network. The
system may use this value to adjust or insert the MSS option in the
TCP SYN packet packet.
A value of '-1' specifies that the TCP MSS adjustment functionality on
the private side is disabled.
When the system receives a TCP SYN packet from the private network and
the packet contains an MSS option, the system replaces the MSS option
value with tmnxL2tpV3PrivTcpMssAdjust when the value of
tmnxL2tpV3PrivTcpMssAdjust is smaller than the MSS option value.
When the system receives a TCP SYN packet from the private network and
the packet does not contain an MSS option, the system inserts one
whose MSS is equal to tmnxL2tpV3PrivTcpMssAdjust."
"RFC 6691, 'TCP Options and Maximum Segment Size (MSS)', IETF, July 2012"
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