tmnxIPsecTnlGrpHistStatsValue32 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The value of tmnxIPsecTnlGrpHistStatsValue32 indicates a signed 32-bit
integer representation of the value of
This object is used by Remote Network Monitoring (RMON) to monitor
this statistical value.
For most tmnxIPsecTnlGrpHistStatsType values, the value and unit of
tmnxIPsecTnlGrpHistStatsValue32 are the same as the value and unit of
tmnxIPsecTnlGrpHistStatsValue64. The exception are the following two
1) When the value of tmnxIPsecTnlGrpHistStatsType is equal to any of
the following values, the unit of tmnxIPsecTnlGrpHistStatsValue32
is the number of mebibits (1 mebibit == 1024 * 1024 bits),
instead of the number of bits which is used by
'numOfIPsecEncrBits (103)'
'numOfIPsecDecrBits (104)'
'numOfIPsecEnDecrBits (105)'
'numOfGreTnlEncapBits (113)'
'numOfGreTnlDecapBits (114)'
'numOfGreTnlEnDecapBits (115)'
'numOfIpTnlEncapBits (123)'
'numOfIpTnlDecapBits (124)'
'numOfIpTnlEnDecapBits (125)'
'numOfL2tpv3TnlEncapBits (133)'
'numOfL2tpv3TnlDecapBits (134)'
'numOfL2tpv3TnlEnDecapBits (135)'
2) When the value of tmnxIPsecTnlGrpHistStatsType is equal to any of
the following values, the unit of tmnxIPsecTnlGrpHistStatsValue32
is the number of mebi-packets (1 mebi-packet == 1024 * 1024
packets), instead of the number of packets which is used by
'numOfIPsecEncrPkts (100)'
'numOfIPsecDecrPkts (101)'
'numOfIPsecEnDecrPkts (102)'
'numOfGreTnlEncapPkts (110)'
'numOfGreTnlDecapPkts (111)'
'numOfGreTnlEnDecapPkts (112)'
'numOfIpTnlEncapPkts (120)'
'numOfIpTnlDecapPkts (121)'
'numOfIpTnlEnDecapPkts (122)'
'numOfL2tpv3TnlEncapPkts (130)'
'numOfL2tpv3TnlDecapPkts (131)'
'numOfL2tpv3TnlEnDecapPkts (132)'"
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