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tmnxMcRingVlanMap OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The value of tmnxMcRingVlanMap specifies the set of VLAN IDs
associated with the SAPs that belong to Path B of this ring.
A ring connection is subdivided into 2 'channels', Path A and Path B.
In normal operating condition, when the value of
tmnxMcRingInfoOperState is equal to 'connected (5)', one peer system
controls Path A, the other Path B, according to an arbitrary
tiebreaker rule based on the peer systems' IP address.
Otherwise, both peer systems control Path A and Path B.
The SAPs associated with the excluded range, specified by the value of
tmnxMcRingVlanMapExcl, are never controlled by either peer system.
Path A is the complement of Path B.
In the system that controls Path B, the value of the object
tmnxMcRingInfoCtrlVlanMap is equal to 'true'.
The value of tmnxMcRingVlanMap is a bitmap that associates bit i with
VLAN ID i, with i in [0..4095]. 4095 corresponds to a dot1q default or
capture SAP.
In case of QinQ encapsulation, the outermost VLAN ID is referred to.
Setting the value of tmnxMcRingVlanMap to the empty string is
equivalent to setting it to 512 zeroes."


MIB object for network management

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All rights reserved © 2007-2025
Parent OID: tmnxMcRingEntry(1) First sibling OID: tmnxMcRingRowStatus(1) Previous sibling OID: tmnxMcRingInbCtrlDestIp(7) Next sibling OID: tmnxMcRingVlanMapExcl(9) Last sibling OID: tmnxMcRingInbCtrlIfServiceName(23) Separation line
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