sdpBindMeshTlsRestProtSrcMacAct OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {disable(1), alarmOnly(2), discardFrame(3)}
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"The value of the object sdpBindMeshTlsRestProtSrcMacAct indicates the
action to take whenever a relearn request for a protected MAC is
received on a restricted SAP.
When the value of this object is 'disable' the SAP will be placed in
the operational down state, with the operating flag 'recProtSrcMac'
When the value of this object is 'alarmOnly', the SDP-BIND
will be left up and only a notification,
sdpBindReceivedProtSrcMac, will be generated.
When the value of this object is 'discardFrame', the SDP-BIND will
start discarding the frame in addition to generating
sdpBindReceivedProtSrcMac notification."
DEFVAL {disable}