tmnxObjectAppResvCbsAmbrAlrmMax OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100)
UNITS "percent"
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"The value of tmnxObjectAppResvCbsAmbrAlrmMax specifies the
maximum percentage for the reserved CBS size of the pool.
When tmnxObjectAppResvCbsAmbrAlrmMax is set to default value, the
adaptive CBS sizing is disabled. To enable adaptive CBS sizing,
tmnxObjectAppResvCbsAmbrAlrmMax MUST be set to non-default value along
with tmnxObjectAppResvCbsAmbrAlrmStep. When reserved CBS is set to
default value, adaptive CBS sizing cannot be enabled. The reserved CBS
(Committed Burst Size) defines the amount of buffer space within the
pool that is not considered shared. Max reserved CBS must not be more
than the reserved CBS."
DEFVAL { 0 }