tmnxChassisPwrMgmtMode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {none(0), basic(1), advanced(2)}
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"The value of tmnxChassisPwrMgmtMode specifies how the system behaves
during power contention.
none (0) - When set to 'none (0)' the node will bring up as much
provisioned equipment in order of priority as possible
without exceeding capacity of the equipped or assigned
In this mode no gradual shutdown of active cards is
Note: No spare capacity is reserved. Any failure may
result in brownouts or card failures.
basic (1) - When set to 'basic (1)', the node will bring up, in
order of priority, as much of the provisioned equipment
as possible using the N+1 algorithm. This means enough
capacity will be held in reserve to ensure zero impact
should the highest rated PEQ fail or be removed.
However, subsequent failures may result in brownouts
if the system can't shutdown low priority cards in time
when the secondary failure/removal occurs.
advanced (2) - When set to 'advanced (2)', the system will maintain
a spare PEQ as long as possible to make it immune to
the possibility of power brownouts. It does this by
shutting down low priority cards to restore N+1 when
N+1 is no longer in effect."
DEFVAL {basic}