tmnxOamVxlanPingCtlReplyMode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {udp(2), overlay(3)}
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"The value of tmnxOamVxlanPingCtlReplyMode specifies the encapsulation
to be used in the OAM echo reply. The value is copied into the Reply
Mode field of the Generic Overlay OAM structure of the launched OAM
echo request. The replying node uses the value to choose the
encapsulation of the OAM echo reply.
Code points:
udp(2) - reply using an IPv4 UDP packet
overlay(3) - reply via the overlay segment.
The Jain draft's 'Do Not Reply' option (i.e. the Reply Mode with code
point 1) is not supported."
"IETF draft-jain-nvo3-overlay-oam-02, 'Generic Overlay OAM and Datapath
Failure Detection', October 22, 2014, Section 5.3, 'Generic Overlay
OAM Packet Format'."
DEFVAL {udp}