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tmnxOamP2mpLspPingCtlOptionalTLV OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {none(1), vpnRecursiveFec(2)}
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"The value of tmnxOamP2mpLspPingCtlOptionalTLV specifies which optional
Type/Length/Value (TLV) structure to include in the MPLS echo request
launched for the specified test.
'vpnRecursiveFec(2)' specifies the proprietary inclusion of an RFC
6512 'VPN-Recursive FEC Element'.
'vpnRecursiveFec(2)' is required to successfully ping a P2MP leaf with
the following characteristics:
1. The path between the P2MP root and the targeted leaf is a Virtual
Private Network (VPN), e.g. an SROS Virtual Private Routed Network
(VPRN) service. And ..
2. The VPN has an RFC 4364 'Option B' boundary between two Border
Gateway Protocol (BGP) Autonomous Systems. And ..
3. The leaf resides on an SROS node (with support for this object) on
the far side of the boundary (with respect to the root).
A leaf residing on a non-SROS node may not respond (or may respond
with an error) when 'vpnRecursiveFec(2)' is specified.
'none(1)' specifies the inclusion of none of the optional TLVs
described above."
"RFC 4364, 'BGP/MPLS IP Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)', Section 10,
'Multi-AS Backbones'.
RFC 6512, 'Using Multipoint LDP When the Backbone Has No Route to the
Root', Section 3.2.1, 'Non-Segmented Inter-AS P-Tunnels'."
DEFVAL {none}


MIB object for network management

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Parent OID: tmnxOamP2mpLspPingCtlEntry(1) First sibling OID: tmnxOamP2mpLspPingCtlLspName(1) Previous sibling OID: tmnxOamP2mpLspPingCtlGrpAddr(8) Separation line
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