sbiPersistStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {persistOK(1), noPersistFile(2), persistMismatch(3), persistIndexFailure(4), persistDisabled(5), persistInvalid(6), persistBoot(7), persistInit(8), persistInProgress(9)}
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The value of sbiPersistStatus indicates the state of the
rebuild of the SNMP persistent index database upon reboot of the
persistOK (1) - The persistent index database was
successfully created. Persistent SNMP managed
objects were recreated with the same SNMP
indexes they had prior to the system reboot.
noPersistFile (2) - There was no persistent index file with
the same pathname as the configuration file.
persistMismatch (3) -The headers in the persistent index
file and the configuration file with the same name
do not match.
persistIndexFailure (4) - An error occurred while creating
the persistent index database.
persistDisabled (5) - The system was administratively
reconfigured without maintaining persistent SNMP index
values because sbiPersistIndex has a value of 'false'.
persistInvalid (6) - Persistent index database was not
persistBoot(7) - The persistent index database was in the
pre-initial bootup state.
persistInit(8) - The persistent index database is initializing.
persistInProgress(9) - The initial bootup file is loading, using the
persist index database. Once complete, the
persist state will go to 'persistOk (1)' if
If sbiConfigStatus has a value of 'configOK' and
sbiPersistStatus has any value other than 'persistOK', the
system was reconfigured without maintaining persistent SNMP index
values. Unless sbiPersistIndex has a value of 'false',
sbiSnmpdOperStatus returns 'disabled' and the SNMP daemon will not
receive SNMP requests until sbiSnmpdAdminStatus variable has
been set to 'inService'."