OID Repository
OID Repository
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sbiConfigStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {configRead(1), configOK(2), defaultBooted(3), bootConfigFailed(4), bootRestoreFailed(5), auto-provisioning(6)}
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The value of sbiConfigStatus indicates the result of the
last attempt to execute the configuration file upon reboot
of the system.
configRead (1) - The configuration file is being read.
configOK (2) - The configuration file was successfully
defaultBooted (3) - There was no configuration file and
the system booted using a minimal
default configuration.
bootConfigFailed (4) - An error occurred while the
configuration file was being executed.
The system configuration is incomplete.
bootRestoreFailed (5) - An error occurred while the
restoration was being performed. The system
configuration is incomplete.
auto-provisioning (6) - Auto-Boot feature running to
automatically provision and retrieve configuration
from network. Execution of boot configuration file


MIB object for network management

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All rights reserved © 2007-2025
Parent OID: sysBootInfo(5) Next sibling OID: sbiPersistStatus(2) Last sibling OID: sbiAllowBootLicenseViolations(14) Separation line
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