tmnxSysMgmtIfDsLocksSessionMode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {global(1), exclusive(2), private(3), privateExclusive(4), readOnly(5)}
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The value of tmnxSysMgmtIfDsLocksSessionMode indicates
the candidate datastore access session mode:
global (1) - write access to the global candidate datastore
can be granted to multiple sessions
exclusive (2) - write access to the global candidate datastore
and the running datastore is limited to a single session
private (3) - write access to a candidate datastore can be granted
to multiple sessions, each with their own private
candidate datastore
privateExclusive (4) - write access to the private candidate datastore is granted,
in addition, a single session is granted write access
to the running datastore.
readOnly (5) - access to the datastore without write permissions."