alclnkaggAggPortDebugMuxState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {detached(1), waiting(2), attached(3), collecting(4), distributing(5), collectingDistributing(6)}
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This attribute holds the value `detached' if the Mux
state machine (43.4.14) for the Aggregation Port is in
the DETACHED state, `waiting' if the Mux state machine
is in the WAITING state, `attached' if the Mux state
machine for the Aggregation Port is in the ATTACHED
state, `collecting' if the Mux state machine for the
Aggregation Port is in the COLLECTING state,
`distributing' if the Mux state machine for the
Aggregation Port is in the DISTRIBUTING state, and
`collectingDistributing' if the Mux state machine for
the Aggregation Port is in the COLLECTING_DISTRIBUTING
state. This value is read-only."
"IEEE 802.3 Subclause"