chasControlVersionMngt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {notSignificant(1), certifySynchro(2), certifyNoSynchro(3), flashSynchro(4), restore(5), activate(6), issu(7), shutdown(8), vcConvert(9)}
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"For the primary this means:
notSignificant - No command applied.
certifySynchro - Copy the file from the working to the certified
directory and from the primary to the secondary
(reboot of the secondary).
certifyNoSynchro - Copy the file from the working to the certified
flashSynchro - Copy the file from the primary to the secondary
(reboot of the secondary).
restore - Copy the file from the certified directory to the
working directory.
activate - Reload from the working directory. Activate can be
issu - In Service Software Upgrade (ISSU).
shutdown - Shutdown chassis specified by chasControlChassisId.
Halts and powers off NIs, halts primary and
secondary CMMs.
vcConvert - Copy the image files from the running directory
to the working directory."