voipNumberPlanPattern OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Allowed characters are 0~9, *, T, S, P, x, ., |
and range format characters that include '~', ','
and parenthesis '(', ')', brackets '[', ']', braces '{', '}'
and at most one parenthesis pair are allowed,
Examplesh '002(*)', '0(*)', and '(*)'.
'*' represents one or more digit characters
'x' represents any digit character
'T' timeout send of dial string, can only appear at the end of pattern
'S' star phone key (*) match character in dial plan
'P' pound key (#) match character in dial plan
'.' represents zero or more repetitions of character or range
that precedes it, can't use the dot character '.' in brackets
'|' used to separate multiple number plan patterns
[n~m,k] match a range of digits n~m or a specified digit k,
'[' and ']' must pair and nest brackets is illegal
'~' and ',' are allowed showing in brackets only
'~' connected characters must be digit
{n} match n digits"