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mscFrAtmDlciNiwfQoSEmissionPriorityToIf OBJECT-TYPE
sameAsInterface(255) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"This attribute specifies the emission priority of frames sent to the
FrAtm interface. Frames in a higher priority queue, depicted by a
numerically higher number, are sent before frames in a lower
priority queue.
The value of this attribute is interpreted according to the value of
the provisionable attribute numberOfEmissionQs under the parent
FrAtm component. If the numberOfEmissionQs attribute is set to 2,
emissionPriorityToIf value of 0 maps to emission priority queue 0
representing a lower priority queue, and emissionPriorityToIf values
of 1, 2, and 3 map to emission priority queue 1 representing the
highest priority queue. If the numberOfEmissionQs is set to 4, the
emissionPriorityToIf values are directly assigned to the emission
priority queues.
A value of deriveFromTp specifies that the emission priority is to
be extracted from the Mod Frs AtmNet Tpm/n component using the
transferPriority attribute.
A value of sameAsInterface specifies that the emission priority is
extracts from the FrAtm Ca component using the
niwfEmissionPriorityToIf attribute."
DEFVAL { sameAsInterface }


MIB object for network management

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Parent OID: mscFrAtmDlciNiwfQoSProvEntry(1) Next sibling OID: mscFrAtmDlciNiwfQoSTransferPriority(2) Last sibling OID: mscFrAtmDlciNiwfQoSTransferPriority(2) Separation line
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