mscFrUniDlciAvailabilityStatus OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSI
Availability status of the component. Note that, even though it is
defined as a multi-valued set, at most one value is shown to the user.
When no values are in the set, this indicates that either the attribute
is not supported or that none of the status conditions described
below are present.
The value inTest indicates that the resource is undergoing a test
procedure. If adminState is locked or shuttingDown, the normal
users are precluded from using the resource and controlStatus is
reservedForTest. Tests that do not exclude additional users can be
present in any operational or administrative state but the
reservedForTest condition should not be present.
The value failed indicates that the component has an internal fault
that prevents it from operating. The operationalState is disabled.
The value dependency indicates that the component cannot operate
because some other resource on which it depends is unavailable.
The operationalState is disabled.
The value powerOff indicates the resource requires power to be
applied and it is not powered on. The operationalState is disabled.
The value offLine indicates the resource requires a routine
operation (either manual, automatic, or both) to be performed to
place it on-line and make it available for use. The operationalState
is disabled.
The value offDuty indicates the resource is inactive in accordance
with a predetermined time schedule. In the absence of other
disabling conditions, the operationalState is enabled or disabled.
The value degraded indicates the service provided by the
component is degraded in some way, such as in speed or operating
capacity. However, the resource remains available for service. The
operationalState is enabled.
The value notInstalled indicates the resource is not present. The
operationalState is disabled.
The value logFull is not used.
Description of bits: