mscFrUniDlciAdminState OBJECT-TYPE
shuttingDown(2) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the
The value locked indicates that the component is administratively
prohibited from providing services for its users. A Lock or Lock -
force command has been previously issued for this component.
When the value is locked, the value of usageState must be idle.
The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is
administratively permitted to provide service to its existing users
only. A Lock command was issued against the component and it is
in the process of shutting down.
The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively
permitted to provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue
an Unlock command to this component.
The OSI Status attributes, if supported by the component, may
provide more details, qualifying the state of the component."
DEFVAL { unlocked }