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mscRtgRsRouteType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {noRoute(3), sameNode(4), destinationNode(5), destinationNodeLegacy(6), gatewayNode(7), gatewayLink(8), routingGateway(9), manual(10)}
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"This attribute indicates the type of route that was selected by RouteSelector.
If no route was selected then routeType has a value of noRoute.
If the destination resides on the current node then routeType has a value of sameNode.
If the destination resides on a different node and can be reached directly as opposed to indirectly through a gateway node then routeType has a value of destinationNode or destinationNodeLegacy with the latter only possible when legacy gateway selection algorithm was used (see gatewaySelectionAlgorithm).
If the destination can be reached indirectly through a gateway node with the gateway node being different from the current node then routeType has a value of gatewayNode or gatewayLink depending on whether or not the route consists of a single gateway link. A route consists of a single gateway link only when the route requestor (see routeRequestor) is a Routing Gateway (in inbound or outbound direction) and the route leads immediately across topology region or cluster boundary.
If the destination can be reached indirectly through a gateway node with the gateway node being the current node and the route requestor (see routeRequestor) is an application service as opposed to a Routing Gateway then routeType has a value of routingGateway.
If selected route is a manual route then routeType has a value of manual.
Note that the type of route, except for manual route, depends on who is the route requestor (application service, Routing Gateway serving as inbound or outbound gateway), where it resides (gateway or non-gateway node), how the destination can be reached (directly or indirectly through a gateway node), and what is the gateway selection algorithm (cost-based, random or legacy)."
DEFVAL { noRoute }


MIB object for network management

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Parent OID: mscRtgRsSelectedRouteEntry(1) First sibling OID: mscRtgRsRouteCostMetric(1) Previous sibling OID: mscRtgRsRouteGatewayCostMetric(6) Separation line
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