mscRtgRsReasonForNoRoute OBJECT-TYPE
manualPathIndexProblem(14) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"This attribute indicates the reason for which a route was not
selected by RouteSelector.
If the route was selected then reasonForNoRoute has a value of
If the destination in the form of ASCII name was specified (see
destination) and the name of node is too long (more than 12
characters) then reasonForNoRoute has a value of
destinationNameTooLong. Check and correct node name in the
destination attribute.
If the destination was not specified, that is destination is blank, then
reasonForNoRoute has a value of destinationNotSpecified.
Destination attribute should not be blank.
If the destination in the form of ASCII name was specified (see
destination) and the name of node cannot be found in topological
database then reasonForNoRoute has a value of
unknownDestinationName. Check and correct node name in the
destination attribute. If it is correct then this node does not appear in
local topological database as this node may lie across the topology
region or cluster boundary.
If the destination cannot be found in the topological database or
cannot be reached through any gateway node then
reasonForNoRoute has a value of unknownDestination. Ensure the
destination specified in destination attribute resides in the topology
region, or can be reached through a Routing Gateway. That is, at
least one reachable address provisioned under a Trunk Address
component representing a gateway link can reach the destination
NSAP address.
If the destination was specified using an incorrect format (see
destination) then reasonForNoRoute has a value of
incorrectDestination. Use the correct format for destination
If there is no physical connectivity to the destination or gateway
node, or number of hops to such node exceeds a limit of 20 hops, or
a route to such node cannot satisfy all the parameters in the route
request data then reasonForNoRoute has a value of
attributeNotMet. Set operationMode to manual and issue d rtg rs
command and inspect attributeNotMet to determine which attribute
could not be satisfied.
If the route to the destination could not be selected for some internal
reason then reasonForNoRoute has a value of internalReason. A
Software Alarm generated in association with this situation should
be reported to Nortel Networks technical support.
If the route to the destination could not be selected because of
profile reference problem then reasonForNoRoute has a value of
If the route to the destination could not be selected because of
manual path reference problem then reasonForNoRoute has a value
of manualPathIndexProblem.
The following values of reasonForNoRoute are no longer
generated: routeCostTooMuch, routeDelayTooMuch,
incorrectDestinationEndPoint, and sameNode."
DEFVAL { none }