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mscRtgRsBumpingPriority OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4)
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"This attribute indicates the priority at which a route has been
selected, or a value of 4 for manual routes since no route selection
was made. Since RouteSelector does not verify manual routes the
value of 4 for routeBumpingPriority symbolizes an unknown value
for manual routes. The remainder of the description is not
applicable to manual routes.

The bumping priority of a route specifies a priority at which a path
along that route can be established. The lowest bumping priority is
4, the highest bumping priority is equal to a setup priority contained
in the route request data. If a route is selected at bumping priority 4,
then no paths will be bumped since there appears to be enough free
bandwidth on selected trunks, and also since this bumping priority
is not better than the lowest holding priority (4) of any path.

If a route cannot be selected at bumping priority 4 and a setup
priority is 3 or better, then a route may be selected at bumping
priority 3. This means that paths at holding priority 4 may be
bumped if currently there is not enough free bandwidth on selected
trunks to establish the new path with setup priority 3.

If a route cannot be selected at bumping priority 3 and a setup
priority is 2 or better, then a route may be selected at bumping
priority 2. In this case paths with holding priority 4 and 3 may be
bumped if there is not enough free bandwidth on selected trunks to
establish the new path with setup priority 2.

If a route cannot be selected at bumping priority 2 and a setup
priority is 1 or better, then a route may be selected at bumping
priority 1. In this case paths with holding priority 4, 3, and 2 may be
bumped if there is not enough free bandwidth on selected trunks to
establish the new path with setup priority 1.

If a route cannot be selected at bumping priority 1 and a setup
priority is 0, then a route may be selected at bumping priority 0. In
this case paths with holding priority 4, 3, 2, and 1 may be bumped if
there is not enough free bandwidth on selected trunks to establish
the new path with setup priority 0."


MIB object for network management

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Parent OID: mscRtgRsSelectedRouteEntry(1) First sibling OID: mscRtgRsRouteCostMetric(1) Previous sibling OID: mscRtgRsRouteDelayMetric(2) Next sibling OID: mscRtgRsReasonForNoRoute(4) Last sibling OID: mscRtgRsRouteType(8) Separation line
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