mscMpanlSigProtocolErrors OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"This attribute counts the number of times a Q.933 protocol error has
occurred. Any one of the following events constitutes a protocol
1. In the user-signaled Link Layer Core Parameters IE within the
SETUP or CONNECT messages, Cir, Bc and Be are all zero;
2. In the user-signaled Link Layer Core Parameters IE within the
SETUP or CONNECT messages, Cir is zero but Bc is
non-zero, or Bc is zero but Cir is non-zero;
3. In the user-signaled Link Layer Core Parameters IE within the
SETUP or CONNECT messages, the minimum acceptable Cir
is greater than Cir;
4. At the destination end, any of the destination to source direction
link layer core parameters has been increased in the
CONNECT message from the called user;
5. At the destination end, the destination to source direction Cir
in the CONNECT message is smaller than the corresponding
minimum acceptable Cir signaled to the called user;
6. At the source end, any of the source to destination direction
link layer core parameters in the CONNECT message from the
destination end has been increased;
7. At the source end, the source to destination direction Cir, after
negotiation, is smaller than the corresponding minimum
acceptable Cir;
8. The network has received a STATUS message from the user
with an incompatible Q.933 state.
When this count reaches maximum, it wraps to zero."