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mscLpDS3TestBitErrorRate OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AsciiString (SIZE (5))
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"This attribute is not displayed for ATM cards because the physical
layer drops all errored frames at the controller interface.

For all other card types, this attribute is the calculated bit error rate
on the link. Test data are generated and sent in frames of a preset
size (frameSize). The Test component will try to estimate the
number of bit errors in any errored frame which is identifiable. The
statistics will be updated accordingly. A lost frame (may be due to
an error on the flag sequence) will be discarded for the bit error rate
calculation. The result is presented in the form of xEsyy, where x is
the mantissa, syy is the exponent, for example 0E+00, 2E-09.
Note that the bitErrorRate is an estimate only. For more reliable test
results, the test should be done over a long period. Multiple tests
would also improve the confidence level of the test results."


MIB object for network management

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Parent OID: mscLpDS3TestResultsEntry(1) First sibling OID: mscLpDS3TestElapsedTime(1) Previous sibling OID: mscLpDS3TestErroredFrmRx(10) Separation line
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