mscAtmIfVptUniSigVcdUsageParameterControl OBJECT-TYPE
sameAsCa(2) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"This attribute specifies whether this connection enforces usage
parameter control when receiving traffic from the ATM interface.
When sameAsCa is selected, UPC for the connection is based on
the usageParameterControl attribute of the connection's service
category component under the ConnectionAdministrator. If the
service category has UPC enabled, then UPC is enabled for the
connection. Note that enabling UPC may have no effect under
certain cases. These cases are listed in the description of the
usageParameterControl operational attribute, which is under the
Vcc Tm or Vpc Tm component.
When disabled is selected, UPC for this connection is disabled.
The value sameAsInterface is for migration from previous software
releases, but should no longer be used"
DEFVAL { disabled }