mscAtmIfVptUniSigVcdUnshapedTransmitQueueing OBJECT-TYPE
sameAsCa(3) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"This attribute only applies when this connection is unshaped. This
attribute specifies the transmit queueing method for this connection
if it is unshaped. Refer to the unshapedTransmitQueueing attribute
under the AtmIf CA service category subcomponent for more details
on the meaning of this attribute.
When this attribute is set to sameAsCa, the transmit queueing
method for the connection is based on the
unshapedTransmitQueueing attribute of the connection's service
category component under the ConnectionAdministrator.
When this attribute is set to common, transmit traffic on this
unshaped connection is destined for the common queue.
The value sameAsInterface is for migration from previous software
releases, but should no longer be used"
DEFVAL { sameAsCa }